The preparation of the sub-base on which the surface will be paved is an essential step for achieving a satisfying result. The screed is the foundation element responsible for ensuring both an adequate static base for the floor and a suitable superficial flatness necessary to lay correctly. The screed thickness depends on the characteristics of the environment and its future intended use.
Production on site.
The sub-base is mainly made of cement, aggregates (usually sand) and water that are mixed in a concrete mixer with a variable dosage depending on the type of work to be done. The mixture is laid and compacted and then the screed is automatically leveled (rather than manually). Global Pavimenti makes screeds characterized by even, flat and compact surfaces with the correct level of superficial roughness suitable for the efficient adhesion of the bonding agent suitable for the tiles.
Performance improvement.
If the tensions are particularly strong for the sub-base, Global Pavimenti performs structural reinforcements on site, consisting of electro-welded meshes and efficient armors in polypropylene fibers that aim at increasing the capacity of the screed.
Preparation of the base.
The preparation of the sub-base is essential to ensure the correct execution of the flooring.
The following are the main phases of this working phase:
The first treatment is grinding made to prepare the sub-base for the following phases. It is made by the newest grinding machines. The operation, carefully carried out, is recommended for paving large surfaces where there is high foot traffic. Dust produced by grinding is sucked by a machine so that the primer can be applied before embarking on the actual flooring phase.

Milling aims at scratching the sub-base to achieve the desired height.This operation is carried out to remove old parts potentially harmful to the useful life of the structure, such as residual adhesives of any pre-existing deteriorated flooring.

This treatment creates micro-scratched surfaces. It is a dry treatment without water or other materials. The shot peening machine uses a turbine to distribute abrasive grit that cleans the ground from dust and makes it rougher and suitable for the best adhesion of the bonding agent.

Self-levelling and/or smoothing compounds help level the support where the flooring will be made.